Monday, May 23, 2011


This week I began working on modeling my meshes so I can begin placing them in the engine instead of placeholders. I'm having some issues with making relatively simple items such as the bed, desk, and table more rounded, organic, or interesting. I don't want my room to seem boring. I've gotten few good ideas and I only need to flesh them out. I imagine I shoud have everything as far as meshes are concerned done my next week.

I've included some pictures of some of the finished meshes.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Some screenshots

Some final screenshots of what everything looks like.

The essay

I just finished building my level in UDK Editor and I’m very proud of how it turned out. I came into this class actually fearing the program and hating the thought of learning yet another new program. Although I wanted to work in the video game industry I never thought I’d have to deal with a game engine. Now I’m glad I learned because this program is very fun to mess around with and when I want to make a level in the engine, it’s always like solving a puzzle. Almost anything is possible in this engine, you just need to figure out the way to make it so.
            I began with the idea from reading the short story of Armilla in the book assigned to us. It spoke of a city that was all pipes. No houses or people or walls of any kind. Just pipes and water fixtures. And occasionally, you would see nymphs bathing in the tubs or standing in front of a mirror and you get the impression the pipe world was made for water nymphs.
            So my idea was that the whole level was just a puzzle itself. You started looking at a valve and turn it. This turns on a shower to your right and a nymph shows up to play in the water. Then, you move along the pathway where you find more nozzles that will turn on more water but turn off other water, thus showing you that the goal is to turn on the water for all of the nymphs.
            I began with placeholders for important things such as, the water fixtures (pump, tub, sprinkler, and shower), the pipes, the valves, and, of course, the nymphs. This way, I could begin the kismet network process (and believe me, mine is long and involved).
            Almost everything I wanted to do in my game, I did not know how to do by just the tutorials the teacher gave us. I took what I could from the lectures and warped it in a way I could apply it to my game. My triggers became the valves that are the MOST IMPORTANT thing in the whole game. They are what you need to complete it. The valves would turn up when you interacted with them and would turn back down so you could use them again.
I replaced my placeholder pipes with pipes I modeled and textured and, of course, used collision detection on them considering they were the very things that kept you on a defined path.
Along the way, I model, textured, rigged, and moved a biped (the nymph) to import into the game. This is actually what took the most time (go figure) but I do believe it is work to be proud of and something usable in my portfolio with some tweaks.
When everything was all imported in and materials were applied and lookin all nice, I began work on my particle emitters. Actually, I only used one in the entire game and copied it over and over to work as I needed. It worked rather nicely. I had some issues with not being able to make the particles look like droplets but I found that if I put a bunch of tiny balls as one particle is looked pretty water-like.
When that was complete, my biggest problems came to light: How do I make my nymphs and water appear when I hit a valve? I already had lights set up that would toggle the lights on and off depending on which valve you hit but you coukln’t toggle an actor or particle emitter could you? Well I looked around on the internet a bit and the answer came from a tutorial on opening a door by picking up a key and making the key disappear when you pick it up.  I just used it in reverse.
It turns out all you need is to make your mesh a mover, the particle can stay the same. Go to the display in the properties of the mesh, then the particle and make them hidden so they will not show up in game.  In kismet there is an action called Toggle Hidden and this is the key to it all. You can toggle you hidden object or particle when you hit the necessary trigger now and it was seriously as easy as that. You would not believe the way I rejoiced when I figured that out. I wanted to cry.
I have to say that was my biggest obstacle to overcome and everything else turned out nicely. I think the one thing I could not figure out was how to end the game. You have to meet certain conditions and I couldn’t figure out how to end the game when those conditions are met. So as of now, you can run around and hit those valves forever without knowing you finished the puzzle and that’s disappointing. Later, I’d like to add sound but that’s not an option at the moment.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Other images

Here's a screeshot of the spreadsheet and a couple thumbnails of some concept art.

Wrog blog

I posted to the wrong blog... Geez. Here's a link to the post cause it wouldn't let me copy/paste ad I didn't wanna retype everything.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Flow Chart

I have my flow chart finished and I'm not completely sure I did it right but it was the best I think of for how the puzzle works and how to figure it out. I thik it shows the puzzle off well and it shows the answer well.

On top of that, we were asked to expand out ideas on what our art design will be. I kow that I'll probably have more "people" in my level than anyone else so the type of artwork for them will be realistic. Not ultrarealistic because they will have ideal female bodies from what you could see but they won't hae overly large eyes or aything. I also want it to seem like you're looking at an Alphonse Mucha painting when you're seeing them. The world, otherwise will just look grungy and glum to offset the shininess and newness of the pipes, fixtures and girls. I don't really have any examples of whose artwork might look like that. I just imagine the sky having kinda sunset colors to it and the land to be barren.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Paper prototype

I've made my paper prototype which gave me a good feel for the how I wat to lay out everything. I've decided upon having 7 valves to turn in the puzzle, not including the given one. I still don't the number of turns I should limit the player to yet though.
I also have some peices of paper for the paper prototype so the player can keep track of which valves have been turned on and which water fixtures are working.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Design Document

The level will begin with you looking at a valve. If you mouse over it, you will find that you can turn it. If you do, a shower head to the right of you will turn on and a nymph will appear to play under the spout. (no she won't be naked) If you turn it off, she will disappear.

Looking around you will see a system of pipes all intertwined and running in and out of each other. Some will reach higher than your head and others will snake along the ground. A clear path through the pipes will be apparent. Along this path you will come across more valves you can turn and, just out of your reach, a bathtub, a water pump, a sprinkler, and a fountain.

It seems someone has turned off all of the water for the nymphs that live here and they are not happy about it. They're only giving you a limited amount of nozzle turns before they become infuriated and go back into hiding and reset all of your valves.

Turning the nozzles to turn on the faucets would seem easy but turning one may cut off the water line to one faucet and turn on the other. Some valves must stay off while others stay on and you only have that limited number of nozzle turns to figure out which valve is which. Only the first valve you turned at the beginning is a given.

When you have solved this puzzle, the nymphs will once again be pleased and sing of their happiness, thus ending the level.


The gameplay for this level was heavily inspired by what I remember of the pipe world in the first Myst game and will probably have a similar style.

The pipes will all seem new with shiny silver plated valves and sparkling new porcelain fixtures. It will greatly contrast the starkness of the rest of the world which will mostly consist of grass and dirt. The setup of the city and pipes will be largely simplistic because of the need to design the nymphs and the puzzle.

My Choice

I've chosen to create a level for the city Armilla whose description is found on page 49 of Invisible Cities.